Brain Quest Brain Quest
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About Us
Brain Quest Brain Quest Brain Quest
Brain Quest
About Dermatoglyphics TechnologyBrain Quest is run by team professionals.We at Brain Quest offer you a revolutionary new assessment tool to discover the inborn talents and strengths of each individual and their best way of learning This new method is known as Dermatoglyphic Multiple Intelligence Test (D.M.I.T.)

DMIT technique has been developed by scientists and research experts from world renowned universities and it is based on knowledge from Genetics, Embryology, Dermatoglyphics, Psychology and Neuroscience. In recent years, the U.S., and several Asian countries have applied dermatoglyphics to academic development, human resources management, and employee recruitment.

By this test, one can explore a person's direction of interest and area of strength. Age is no bar for this test because this is a scientific method in which by way of a person's finger-prints, his/her hidden capabilities can be known which in turn helps a person choose a right direction on the path to achieve his/her goals.

Our Vision
To bring an easy and affordable profiling tool which will enable parents to truly know their child's talents and best learning method so that we can help them realize their full potential

Our Mission
Our mission is to educate the people about the benefit and the need of Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) across India &To empower individuals with the knowledge and development of their talents and further guide them to create a happy and successful society…

Brain Quest
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